Mould dynamic content with a CMS-based website

If you wish to micromanage the content on your portal, then the best method to follow is to create a CMS-based website. A CMS or a Content Management System allows you to accurately manage content on the site without even having technical knowledge.

Build a cutting-edge website using WordPress themes

Building your own website has been made quite easy with the advent of WordPress. It powers more than 28% of all websites on the Internet today. However, due to the barrage of WordPress themes, plug-ins, and possible customizations, it may appear intimidating at first. If you are really looking at creating a new website, speaking to web designers will really help in understanding WordPress better.

How Data Science is changing the face of web development

Technology is one of the most dynamic fields in the world today, with new developments taking place daily. Communication has become data-based, which has opened new doors to develop path-breaking insights from customer information, thereby helping companies deliver more personalized experiences.

Do not make the following social media mistakes

All of us, including the top companies, love to be active on social media 24/7. During the whole day, we involve ourselves in creating stories, posts and uploading pictures and videos. At times, what we not may not realize that in a bid to attract maximum attention, we may be making a lot of mistakes on digital media.

Use of AI in web development- truth or farce?

Technology today has reached a whole new level, capable of adding fuel to our wildest imaginations. Artificial Intelligence (AI) was previously seen only in Hollywood movies, but today it is visible across a number of companies.

Why you should use social media stories for your brand

Storytelling essentially involves creating a story around relatable characters and situations and making one remember the same after many years. It means giving meaning and shape to information that otherwise sounds boring.

SMM- the vital cog for your business

SMM: In today’s business landscape, promotion is a vital component of success. You can achieve this promotion by applying the principles of Social Media Marketing (SMM). By strategically placing content on different social media platforms, you can attract a substantial amount of traffic to your website. SMM plays a crucial role in establishing a real-time connection with your consumers. A 2017 survey by Nielsen indicates that an average adult (18+ years) spends more than 25 hours a week on social media, which means more than 3 hours a day. Therefore, you can imagine how important it is to create an impact on social media through original content. Do remember that the reach of this medium is huge, which means that creating brand awareness on this medium can help your business rise to amazing levels. Highly affordable SMM As compared to traditional methods of marketing, SMM is highly affordable. One need not spend on big hoardings, pamphlets, cold calls and print marketing campaigns. Of course, the actual price really depends on the marketing mix that one chooses, but it is still quite economical. Paid advertising on social media can start off small, and the spending can be increased gradually. SMM Monitoring stats You can track your real-time progress on social media with the help of monitoring tools. The advantage of using an online medium is that you will be able to monitor the results of promotional activities in real time. This way, you can choose certain activities and let go of others, once a trend is visible over time. Content as an opportunity to connect Today people are sharing content in massive doses across the US market and other countries. Every image, video, blog and comment that you share gives a chance to the online audience to react. Not all interactions result in positive conversion, but they can certainly build the strength of your brand. Content in the form of blogs, videos, articles and more are being shared, and if they are written well and make valid points, there is no reason that a positive impact will be created. Better brand loyalty Through SMM, your customers will be able to connect with your business easily. Social media will certainly help you increase customer loyalty and retention. After all, developing a loyal fan base is always the main goal of a business, isn’t it? Social media does not just introduce your product or service to customers- it needs to be used as a platform for promotional campaigns. Each of the social media platforms is actually service channels where customers can directly respond to the business. As you may have realized thus far, there really is no way to deny the role that SMM plays today in the establishment of any business. The right social media strategy will help your business gain better SEO, healthy customer satisfaction, higher traffic, a loyal customer base and more. Competition increases by the minute in today’s world, so the earlier you begin, the quicker you will see growth in your business. References Discover a wealth of valuable content on various topics by exploring our extensive blog page.

Essential Digital Marketing Trends

Follow these essential digital marketing trends in 2019 The online medium is the most dynamic amongst all forms of communication today. There is an imminent need to be identified amongst the masses in order to make a significant impact and build one’s business. Such an impact can be made by following various parameters related to the top digital marketing trends in 2019. The phenomenal increase in video ad spending, interactive content and live video– One of the main mediums to see how live videos and interactive content have taken over our lives is Facebook. Notice how every other post is a video post today. Similar to this, when you prepare your website or create a Facebook page for your business, ensure that there are interesting videos. Also. You may have noticed that the Facebook Live option tends to attract a huge number of visitors over a very small time. Use this to good effect on your website or social media page. Just like written content, more and more companies are investing in video ads these days. Irrespective of whether you create videos for Facebook, Instagram, YouTube or your own website, it is a very effective tool for digital marketing. Increasing adoption of AI and chatbots- If your company is part of the service industry, it makes a lot of sense to use Artificial Intelligence (AI). This comprises of software programs which are meant to provide customer support with minimum errors, and also without human interventions. More and more websites, especially the ones for training and education, are making use of chatbots these days. This trend is going to remain at least in the next ten years. Low organic search and traffic– Whenever Google introduces a new feature for the Search Engine Results Page (SERP), organic traffic gets hit. Click through rates have been dropping, and 2019 will see this in continuation. For example, users do not always have to click on a link when there are answer boxes that provide answers without requiring to click on them. SEO strategy will need to change this year, and brands will have to focus more on brand awareness.       Stories will be able to bring about engagement– Stories are visible both on Facebook and Instagram. Over the course of this year, these stories will incorporate more features. Brands will start sharing a lot of microcontent in the form of stories, thereby engaging the customer more. The explosion in vernacular content- Internet in India is available across all mobile networks and at fairly low rates. This will lead to an increased demand for content in different languages. This will need to figure in a brand’s digital marketing strategy. Voice interaction– Indians are already familiar with Apple’s Siri, Google Home and Amazon Alexa. The use of voice interaction to do all jobs is likely to define digital marketing in 2019. This year, a number of brands will look to experiment with their brand strategies and come up with innovation in promotions. Spearheading new formats will help brands take lead in the competition. References Discover a wealth of valuable content on various topics by exploring our extensive blog page.


Why WordPress website? Have you ever thought to build a website? Have you missed on clients as your business doesn’t have a website yet? A website is necessary if you want to influence the target market. Also, setting a website is easier, especially if you use WordPress to set up your website.  Below discussed are the reasons why WordPress based website is busy and friend of businessmen and corporates. WordPress is free It is an added advantage when you are running a small business. However, you have to pay for web hosting, and buy a theme instead, although WordPress CMS does not anything to download. WordPress is easy to use WordPress is a matter of five-minute installation and provide a support guide to walk through the process. It is easy to get a site running. Doing something difficult require some reading but for the new site build on WordPress. Hence, going from zero to website in a few minutes is sufficient. WordPress has a support community 30 percent of the websites operate on WordPress and 60 percent share of the CMS market. If you are using WordPress, have a problem or a question, then the answer is waiting for you in the WordPress developer forums and support. Moreover, if you want to outsource your site for content, maintenance, or design, then there are many developers, writers, designers, and editors how your site’s CMS function. It is very easy to make your WordPress website look unique. As the WordPress code is an open source, professional developers always find ways to develop it. There are many paid and free themes that you can select to make your website look the way you want to.  Create dream functionality with WordPress plugins. Once a web host is selected and a theme is set up on your basic site, there are many plugins that can be used to make the site work the way you want to. If you to load faster, optimize blog posts for search results, backup automatically, then there are plugins. WordPress supports multimedia content and not limited to photos and blog posts. You can embed podcasts, videos, and slideshows on the site with the right plugins. WordPress takes security seriously WordPress makes it easy to keep the site software updated, which is important to keep hackers out of your site. Some of the WordPress software updated automatically to prevent security vulnerabilities. In order to update themes and plugins, have can click the checkboxes then hit the update button.  WordPress plays well The website is required to interact with other platforms for making sales. WordPress website is easy for search engine crawlers to navigate, so your site will perform better in search results. Also, WordPress plays well with Google’s new criteria. You can also make your website easier for mobile users to navigate. If you intend to sell from your website, then WordPress plugin Woo Commerce makes easy to digital downloads, sell products, subscriptions, and membership access to the site. Discover a wealth of valuable content on various topics by exploring our extensive blog page.

Digital VS Traditional Marketing

Digital vs Traditional Marketing: Many businesses struggle to decide which kind of marketing to pursue due to their budget constraints. You might be wondering how to determine if your marketing strategy is effective. To clarify, traditional marketing includes print ads in newspapers or magazines, as well as other methods such as flyers, TV and radio commercials, and billboards. When a business builds a website, it can advertise its brand through different social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter; this approach is known as digital marketing. Advantages of Traditional Marketing You can reach your target audience– Traditional marketing allows you to reach your target audience. For example, a radio ad plays in one location, while flyers are distributed to households in a selected area. The materials are kept. Customers receive hard copies of materials that they can read, making it easy for them to understand. It is easy to understand However, there is limited interaction between the medium used and customers in traditional marketing, as it mainly involves providing details to the public. The Downside to Traditional Marketing There is little interaction between the medium used and customers. It is like providing details to the public. Print or radio advertisements are costly. Printing materials are expensive. Results cannot easily be measured. Was the campaign successful? Benefits of Digital Marketing You can target local and international audience– You can customize a campaign to specific audience demographics like location, gender, age and interests. This makes your campaign more effective. Your audience selects how they want to see your content– While some like to read a blog post, some like to watch YouTube video. Online people get the choice to opt for communications. Interaction with the customer is possible  with social media networks. You can encourage your prospects and followers to take action such as visit your website, rate them, read about your products and services, buy them and provide feedback. It is cost-efficient- the cost is cheaper than traditional marketing. Data and results are recorded– With insights tools by most social media channels, you can check on the campaigns at any time.  Real-time results–  Moreover, real-time results mean you don’t have to wait for weeks to boost your business. You can also analyze various metrics such as website traffic, subscriber increases, conversion rates, peak trading times, and more. Brand Development-  Additionally, A well-maintained website with quality content adds value to the target audience and supports lead generation. Viral– The online environment allows content to go viral easily, as customers and prospects can quickly share messages using social media buttons, emails, and social media channels. Furthermore, online content is more shareable and engaging. In summary, traditional marketing materials often involve more emotional processing, which is vital for brand associations and memory. Physical materials also elicit more brain responses when connected with internal feelings. Therefore, both traditional and digital marketing have their relevance in specific contexts, and you can incorporate both strategies into your marketing campaigns for better results. Traditional VS Digital Marketing – Dec 2018 – Shivi Agarwal Discover a wealth of valuable content on various topics by exploring our extensive blog page.